Hi everyone,
Apologies for the radio silence– there have been some exciting developments that have kept us very busy.
First, the most important piece of news… we’ve moved into a new space!! Our studio is now in a public setting, complete with a conference room, full kitchen, full time building security and more secure internet. We spent months designing and setting up the space, so we hope you’ll come by and let us know what you think! We’ll have studio pictures up on the website and social platforms soon.
We’ve also stepped up our equipment and plugin game. We’re now monitoring through Genelec 8030s, a significant sonic jump from our previous JBL stereo monitors. Some of our new plugins include Pitch n Time, Izotope RX6 Advanced, several new Waves additions and other goodies.
Also, I recently traveled to Rome and Florence for a little getaway. It wasn’t work-related, but I definitely found myself intrigued by all the unique sounds of the territory. In Rome there were lots of police sirens, which differ significantly from what I’d expected (very different from London, for instance). Florence was full of vespas and bikes, which gave the sounds there a flavor all their own. Also, the birds in the Tuscany region were audibly different than anything here in the US.
Since returning, we’ve mixed four videos that released this week at E3!! We’re also finishing up sound on our very first 360 video. Can’t wait to share that one with you.
We’re very excited to be in our new space and share more about some of the big projects we’re working on. We’ve been updating our social platforms pretty often, but going to jump back into this space a bit more as well!
– Eric