
Dear Transportees,

We’ve been cooking up lots of goodies these past couple months.  Some of our most recent work includes weekly trailers for Lawbreakers, music trailers for ABZU and some other exciting projects we can’t yet talk about.

Also, I just came back from Alaska and captured some recordings of:

  • Glacier Boot foley
  • Antique and Modern Trains
  • Helicopters (interior and exterior)
  • Sea Lion growls
  • Boat motors
  • Chainsaws
  • Rapids and Streams

As always, stay tuned to our main page here and also our Facebook page for the latest and greatest from us!

– Eric

2016-08-04T02:41:55+00:00August 3rd, 2016|Comments Off on Alaska

June Gloom? Hardly.

Hey guys,

Things have certainly been busy for us over at Transported Audio.  Lots of projects have come in, been given some sound love and have since gone public. Accordingly, we’ve updated our main page with some fresh new goodies:

  • Batman v Superman Ultimate Edition trailer
  • ABZU E3 Trailer (Sony)
  • Lawbreakers E3 Briefing Video

We’ve also sprinkled in some old projects that we didn’t have the chance to post on this site back when it was originally built.

Any videos in particular speak to you?  Are you excited from a particular studio, company, show or movie?  Hit us up via the Book a Project button on the top of this page or email us at [email protected] to let us know what’s on your mind.

Lots of other exciting projects are heading your way soon.  Keep checking in here on our site for details as they come!

– Eric

2018-12-11T22:26:10+00:00June 27th, 2016|Comments Off on June Gloom? Hardly.


Rejoice, gamer friends…. its E3 week!

We had the chance to work on a lot of games (and trailers) showing this week in various capacities.  Here are a few upcoming titles we had a hand in:

  • Titanfall 2
  • Gears of War 4
  • Final Fantasy XIII
  • Abzu
  • Lawbreakers
  • Hitman

We’ll post videos of some of our work on the main page soon.  In the meantime, enjoy the show!

– Eric

2018-12-11T22:26:10+00:00June 15th, 2016|Comments Off on E3

Fresh Ears

In post production, many people will tell you “when you get stumped, get up and get some fresh air.” It’s good advice- forcefully taking your mind off something you’ve been hyper focused on for hours can help freshen up your perspective.  But perhaps even more important is taking a giant step away for a few days or even a week.

I just returned from a week long journey across France after many months of frequent late work nights and tight deadlines. Naturally, the trip was re-energizing, but perhaps even more importantly it provided some unique opportunities for real world sound monitoring.

What does a downtown Paris street sound like during a rainy afternoon?

How about an abandoned chateau on the French country side?

Or various hallways in the Louvre on a busy day?

All intriguing questions that lack real world, specific answers if you haven’t actually been to France.  Sure, you could dig through libraries and imagine it, using what’s available on YouTube for reference…. but many details will surely be missed if you want it to sound accurate and, perhaps more importantly, your own.

Here are a few things I noticed by being there in the flesh:

– More than half the vehicles there are manufactured by French car companies many Americans have never heard of.  They are also primarily manual transmissions.

– There are tons of scooters, vespas and motorcycles- way more than in US metropolitan areas.

– Church bells reverberate through rural areas and small towns throughout the day.

– Many birds, while the same species as birds in the US (i.e. seagulls), sound VERY different there.  If you simply heard calls without seeing them, you might think they were some other exotic birds.

– There’s an incredibly old, island fortress cathedral called Mont Saint Michel.  Think Alcatraz but instead of a prison, a much older stone castle that shoots into the sky.  As I walked inside the various impressive rooms, everything was drowned in eerie, endless reverb.

– Around Memorial day and the anniversary of D-Day each year, many modern military planes fly overhead on the beaches of Normandy. They made for some excellent plane by recordings!

Those are just from a few days around France.  Imagine how much could be learned by visiting just a few more cities worldwide.

Granted, it can be exceedingly difficult to break away from work on a regular basis, especially when things are busy. But to learn and improve at any craft, it’s important to remember that we need to face new experiences.  It’s easy to burn out in such a demanding field, so open your door and go see what’s out there!
Pro tip:  Bring a Zoom recorder to record some of the sounds for your growing library.  It sort of makes it a business trip, right? ;-)

– Eric

2016-06-10T23:45:03+00:00June 6th, 2016|Comments Off on Fresh Ears

New Projects

It’s been quite the busy 2016 for us already!  Some of our work has finally gone live and we’re happy to share those videos on our home page.  Head on over to see new commercials, feature film promos and episodic TV content.  Some highlights are:

Independence Day Resurgence – The War of 1996

NFL Next – Virtual Reality / Oculus Rift

Old Spice Legendary Commercial

Rusnak Audi Commercial


Grace and Frankie – Season 2 Promo (Netflix)

Deadbeat – Season 3 Episodes (Hulu)

Which projects are your favorites?  Drop us a line at [email protected] to let us know what you think!

And there’s a lot more in store soon- exciting video game trailers, blu ray movie featurettes and brand new TV shows.  They’ve all been really exciting to work on and we can’t wait to share them with you.

– Eric

2018-12-11T22:26:11+00:00May 16th, 2016|Comments Off on New Projects

AICE Award Finalist!

We wanted to share that a project we worked on last year is a finalist for a 2016 AICE Award!  We did some sound design work for Madden: The Movie:

Here’s some information about AICE:

2018-12-11T22:26:11+00:00April 29th, 2016|Comments Off on AICE Award Finalist!

Podcast Interview

I was recently interviewed by Beta Boys Media about Sound Mixing and Design work for film and games.  Ever wonder how sounds can help tell a story?  Or how a sound is created and implemented by teams of people on large productions?  Load this up on your phone and take a listen on your commute to work:


SoundCloud (best for Android, Desktops):

– Eric

2018-12-11T22:26:11+00:00April 26th, 2016|Comments Off on Podcast Interview

Our Work Style

What makes a positive work environment?  An upbeat, energizing workplace isn’t just good for the people working the long hours- it can immediately have an impact on clients as well.  It injects energy and momentum into the work relationships and lifestyles of employees.  It can also promote a much more welcoming vibe for clients seeing and working in your space.  It initiates trust, responsibility and solid communication among everyone.

What does this all have to do with Transported Audio?  I’ve mixed videos at quite a few studios over the years.  The cultures and personalities within them all have shaped my understanding of professionalism, collaboration and creativity.

The long term plan with Transported Audio is to grow into an inviting, reliable, creative work space for projects.  We’ve already been lucky enough to hire on some exceptionally talented sound collaborators for projects, and as these creative relationships continue to blossom, we hope that our work and studio space will continue to impress as well!!

– Eric

2018-12-11T22:26:11+00:00April 16th, 2016|Comments Off on Our Work Style

Week One

Week one is in the books.  Thank you so much for all of the feedback about the new studio.  So many of you have reached out to congratulate us, and we really appreciate it!!

We’ve got a lot of projects in the works- most of which we unfortunately can’t talk about until they’re released.  What we can share is that our studio is already quite busy, and we are excited to share more project-related news as we can.  You can stay tuned here on our blog as well as on our social media channels for updates.

If you’re interested in swinging by to see the mixing studio (even if you’re not necessarily working on a project that needs sound love), send us a request on the “Book a Project” page and we’ll set up a time for you to come by!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Mixer,

Eric Marks


2018-12-11T22:26:12+00:00April 3rd, 2016|Comments Off on Week One


Hi everyone, Eric Marks here. Thanks so much for coming to the new Transported Audio website.

This company has been a long time in the making. I’ve been a working sound designer / mixer in entertainment for over five years, and it was time to finally put a name to all of my independent sound work.

I’ve been incredibly fortunate to work with over fifty unique clients in the Los Angeles area. My skills have been refined by all of the various challenges that I’ve faced, whether they were learning new workflows or hitting exceedingly tight deadlines. Every project brings exciting new challenges, and that’s what makes all of us better at what we do.

I believe this is the start of something special. All of the incredible people I’ve had the chance to work with have elevated my work, and I look forward to doing the same for them and many new clients as well. Relationships are everything to me.

Thanks again for stopping by! Please help spread the word by following us on the social media platforms at the bottom of the site, and keep coming back to our main page to see what new projects we’re working on.

2018-12-11T22:26:12+00:00March 28th, 2016|Comments Off on Welcome!